Nenana Wellness Coalition


December 1, 2009

The Nenana Wellness Coalition is an alliance of representatives from various organizations, government agencies, community groups and individuals that meets weekly to discuss, evaluate, coordinate, consolidate, celebrate and help implement plans for improving the wellness and quality of life in Nenana Alaska.

We had 12 participants this date, including: Kat McElroy, Rebecca and Bill Troxel, Virginia Young, Miles Martin, Irene Martin, Maryellen Robinson, Bonnie Reed, Tim Horn, Jeannie Bennett, Audrey Roth, Merrily Verhagen, and David Poppe. We had turkey soup, mixed greens salad, Ritz crackers and sliced cheese and pecans for lunch.

WELCOME followed by the READING OF MISSION STATEMENT: By this week’s chairperson, Rebecca Troxel.

PRAYER was lead by Maryellen Robinson, followed by the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE.

PRESENTATION OF AGENDA AND CALL FOR MODIFICATIONS. There was one addition to the agenda.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No minutes from last week’s informal meeting at the community luncheon at Nenana City Public School.



Health Fair Planning: Kristi Verhagen is unable to act as site director this year. Jeannie Bennett said that she might be willing but would need to know more about what would be required before she could commit. Tim reminded us that without a confirmed site coordinator, we cannot lock our proposed time-frame into place. Kat stated that a begging letter would need to be generated to the Ice Classic; per their letter to us, all requests need to be made by the time of their December annual meeting as Ice Classic has changed their protocol for making donations.

Operation Ho Ho Ho: The Angel Tree is up at the school. The last day for donations will be December 15th. Donations of food and gifts accepted. The RMHA board members have begun an auxiliary food drive; boxes for donations are at the school and Coghill’s. There are approximately 50 families on the list this year.

Envisioning Wellness: Kat will present the many-times rescheduled Medicine Wheel and Wellness talk on Tuesday, December 16th. Tim will re-make the flyers and forward to Kat; Kat will print them out. Miles and Irene volunteered to post them around town. No one is scheduled yet for January. It was suggested we ask someone from the Ice Classic. Kat agreed to ask Cherrie. Maryellen agreed to ask Donald Charlie if he would be willing to give a talk about Old Minto Family Recovery Camp.

Sober Housing: Kat reports that their contact from the Healy area came up last week and did the wiring in the sober cabin. The ceiling has been insulated and vapor barrier is in place. The interior walls have to be insulated/vapor barrier-ed and the floor needs a coat of varnish.

WELLNESS THOUGHT: Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


Merrily: The Nenana calendar is no longer hosted on geocities as that site has gone defunct; it is now on a Google web site:

Anyone noting bugs in this new system should notify the Verhagen’s at

Lastly, they will be hosting a Nativity & music program and recipe exchange, 7 – 8:30 P.M. at the Nenana Conference Center. It is open to anyone who would like to perform.

Tim: Bonnie will need a ride to WIN next week. The Christmas community lunch and bazaar is scheduled for 12/10/09 at the school. Freecycle scheduled Saturday, the 12th, at the Tribal Hall. Rebecca Ullery is teaching dance for adults as a fundraiser for the literacy council 12-19-09 at the Civic Center: three dollars per person, five dollars for couples. There will be a Pajama Reading Night at NCPS, 6-8 P.M., on Tuesday, 12-15-09.

There will be a concert December 17th at 6:30 P.M. in the Pit.

Maryellen: RMHA is hosting a Games Night for adults at the Anderson city chambers, Friday, 12-11-09, 7 P.M. ‘til whenever. Also, the Nenana Head Start parents are having a pie sale fundraiser 12-20-09 for money for field trips. Pies will be ten dollars each and must be ordered in advance.

Bill: Don’t forget the Senior’s Christmas Bazaar which will be Friday from 3-8 P.M. and Saturday Noon ‘til 4 P.M. at the Civic Center. Santa Claus will be there available for photographs. Christmas caroling will happen the evening of Sunday, December 20th.

David: The quail seem to have survived the 40 below weather and are thriving on a diet of sunflower seeds and grain.

Open floor for comments/questions/discussion:


Adjournment: 1 P.M.