Nenana Wellness Coalition


December 22, 2009

The Nenana Wellness Coalition is an alliance of representatives from various organizations, government agencies, community groups and individuals that meets weekly to discuss, evaluate, coordinate, consolidate, celebrate and help implement plans for improving the wellness and quality of life in Nenana Alaska.

We had 11 participants today, including: Kat McElroy, Rebecca, Bill, Aerin and Ethan Troxel, Bonnie Reed, Jeannie Bennet, Virginia Young, Miles and Irene Martin, and Mary Alexander. We had potato soup. Mixed green salad, pecans and raisins, Ritz crackers with sliced cheese and fudge for lunch.

WELCOME followed by the READING OF MISSION STATEMENT: By this week’s chairperson, Rebecca Troxel

PRAYER: Was lead by Aerin Troxel, followed by the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE.

PRESENTATION OF AGENDA AND CALL FOR MODIFICATIONS: There were two additions to the agenda.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes were posted at the WIN link at and submitted electronically to the WIN e-list yesterday by Kat.



Nenana 10 Year plan: Per our discussion last week, Miles was able to get a rough draft copy of the Nenana Community Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Plan generated during the community visioning/strategic planning process that took place in 2003. He read the draft aloud. It described itself as a “roadmap to the future.” It detailed plans to promote and provide for community wellness, create employment and economic development, and support cultural preservation. Some of the suggestions were: plans for gas/oil development in the Minto Flats, projects to develop agricultural potential including opening Ag land and a 10 acre demonstration project with greenhouse, and ambitious plans to coordinate with Alaska Railroad to build a train depot in Nenana and to upgrade the airstrip with a terminal. Other plans had come to fruition, including the Youth/Education Recreation Building.

Discussion ensued. The consensus of opinion is that those projects are all grant driven and would require coordination between major community entities. Our coalition, it was felt, could more readily focus on some of the smaller suggestions, such as an Elder Story-telling project. Rebecca suggested that this could easily be incorporated into a Freecycle, an activity our coalition already supports which has garnered wide community participation.

It was suggested that we revisit the 10 Year Plan on a regular basis to generate further thinking on this community envisioning process already completed as well as to springboard to other community development strategies and projects we could accomplish with our own resources and without requiring grant funding.

Report on Operation Ho Ho Ho: Kat McElroy thanked the many volunteers that made this year’s food and gift box drive and giveaway a huge success. We coordinated with Santa’s Clearinghouse in Fairbanks; the food was picked up at Noon. By 1 P.M. our many elves were busily putting the food boxes together. We were finished in less than four hours. Way to go!!!! We served 52 families this year.

Nenana Health Fair: No one has asked Karen Harvey yet if she would be willing to be our site coordinator.

Freecycle: Next month will mark our second annual January Freecycle and Chili Cook-off. It will be held January 9th, beginning around 4 P.M. at George Hall. There will be plenty of prizes for the winning chilies. There will be a movie. Rebecca has made flyers to advertise the event. Miles and Irene volunteered to post the flyers around town after Christmas.

WELLNESS THOUGHT: Our greatest glory is not in never failing,
but in rising up every time we fail. Ralph Waldo Emerson


Bonnie: tonight will be the Nativity at The Nenana Conference Center, beginning 6:30 P.M. There will be a recipe exchange afterwards.

The Senior Bus went up to Fairbanks today. They had over 40 people for the Christmas lunch at the Senior Center yesterday, with wonderful door prizes including roundtrip for two on Alaska Railroad.

Bruce Boschert is in the hospital in Fairbanks.

Miles: Wolf alert. He believes there was a pack ranging through town last night. His compost got all torn up.

There will be fireworks New Year’s Eve at George Hall, with a pot luck to begin at 8 P.M.

Mary: Grandma Nina had hernia surgery in Anchorage and was in the hospital for about a week. She is improving every day and will be convalescing with her daughter there.

They will be hosting the second annual New Year’s Eve party at Meda Lord housing, to start between 3 and 4 P.M. There will be live music and everyone is encouraged to bring their instruments.

The first school board meeting of the year will be held January 6th.

Bill: The Troxel’s will have a Christmas Eve service at their house at 4 P.M., with cookies and hot chocolate, with a reading of the Christmas story. Christmas night the Troxel’s will be leaving for a one week holiday.

Rebecca: Attended the Hanukah celebration the MacDonald’s put on at the Civic Center on December 13th. She reports that it was wonderful, with Jewish dancing, presents and a movie about the meaning of Hanukah. They had prepared for about 100 people. Fewer attended. Rebecca would like to encourage people to take advantage of these opportunities to learn about other cultures and religions by attending and participating.

Open floor for comments/questions/discussion:


Adjournment: 1:45 P.M.