Nenana Wellness Coalition
Tuesday, August 24th, 2021
St. Mark’s Parish Hall
(Across from the Post Office)
The Nenana Wellness Coalition is an alliance of representatives from various organizations, government agencies, community groups and individuals that meets weekly to discuss and help implement plans for improving the wellness and quality of life in Nenana.
Those present are: Magen Spencer, Kimberly Ulery, Brianna Ketzler, Annette McCotter, Tim Horn, Bonnie Reed, Laura Verhagen, Tara, Mary Alexander, Miles Martin, Amie Verhagen
Call to Order: 12:15pm
SPIRITUAL MOMENT: This was led by Bonnie Reed.
Introductions of Guests:
It was asked to have discussion on Family Wellness.
*Tim Horn suggested just to move on to Old Business
Old Business:
1.RMHA Back-School Events
a.Kimberly reported on the Ice Cream Social in Nenana and how there was so many people and it was a lot of fun! Anderson was cold and rainy. We had one family, but we left the rest of the backpacks at the school to be handed out.
2.Dancing in the Streets: September 24th @ 5pm. What theme for the food this year? Miles has an idea for a theme; Local Foods since we didn’t have a Farmer’s Market. Miles said he would talk with Mike and see if that would be something that could work. Miles would talk with local farmers also.
Bonfire Possibility: Collaboration with City and Fire Dept down by the River. Use the Pavilion. Talk with Nenana Tourism Association. Talk about it being cold out, but also watching COVID numbers and not wanting to be inside. Amie said talk with Kat about logistics for the bonfire. Inland Barge at the end of the season for Pallets maybe. David Poppe &/Or Will Wright to keep an eye on the fire. Talk with Tallon and see how he organized the last one. Kenneth Verhagen asked “Why do we have glow sticks?!”
3.Nenana Centennial Celebration: November 17th
Fundraiser this Thursday August 26th for this. Magen let Amie know that RMHA can get the cake and asked that we could just have a table for us to have information. Amie and Magen will keep in touch and Amie will let Sheryl Turner know. Brianna will invite Sheryl Turner to the next WIN meeting.
Tim Horn is wondering if this time of celebration could be a time to acknowledge the trauma that the indigenous people faced 100 years ago. What about a Truth and Reconciliation? Things Bo Hawkins posts on the Nenana History Page are pretty horrific stories. Miles mentioned maybe bringing this to the Tribe and having them bring a spokesperson to the celebration. Let them bring the information and share with us what they would like to do and see. Invite the council members. Was there a specific time where Natives got land here? A day where something was signed where they could commemorate? Tara mentioned that a Truth and Reconciliation could be traumatic and maybe should be done at another time. But possibly have another event. But to have land acknowledgement or something else. Definitely check in with the tribe and see what they are feeling. Amie mentioned maybe even a Peace Circle. Keep it so that it can be an ongoing thing. Maybe have something the night before. The Serum Run included the Natives. The Tribe and the City have worked together in historic ways. Heal on the traumatic times. Tim asks: “How can we address this in a way that can be heard?” Annette mentioned maybe doing a Land Acknowledgement. Tara mentioned adding that at the beginning of our WIN meeting. It was mentioned that we are on Toghottle Land. Maybe talk with someone at the University. DeLois and AL Ketzler to reach out to them about information regarding the past history.
Museum & a Book of History for Nenana: What about our Cultural Center? Building is on Railroad land but is a City Building
Doyon Land and Shareholders: Apply for a donation online
WELLNESS THOUGHT: If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results. -Jack Dixon
Amie said that next week the Restorative Justice is meeting with the Fairbanks DA. Tim mentioned that they have been doing Peacemaking Circles and getting things going again since COVID.