RMHA has in place different approaches to behavioral health care. They are personalized according to our clients’ needs.
FAQs section
What does the process of seeking services look like??
The Process:
Are you interested in counseling but do not know where to start or what will happen?
Step 1: Please call our office, and you will be directed to complete a patient portal. You will be asked if you would like to avail of mental health counseling, substance use disorder counseling, or both. If you are unable to complete a patient portal through your computer/smart device, you can print off an intake packet directly from the website to complete or ask to have it mailed when calling the office. Before a client can be seen for services, we must have the intake packet completed. A counselor can schedule a visit to complete the intake packet in person, if necessary.
Step 2: Once the intake packet is complete, please contact the agency to set up an assessment with a clinician. All clients must have an assessment finished before counseling can begin.
Duration depends on problem goals established with the clinician. The assessment can be between 1.5 to 3 hours long, depending on the person. During the assessment, the client and the clinician will discuss problems that the client is experiencing and start to create a treatment plan.
Step 3: After the assessment is finished, the counselor and client will begin counseling during the next session. The counselor will have a treatment plan completed to discuss with the client. This treatment plan will be a road map of services. During the assessment, clients will be assessed for what level of treatment they need. If the client needs a higher level of treatment than can be provided locally, then Railbelt Mental Health and Addictions will refer the client to a higher level of care but continue working with them until they can receive that kind of treatment, they need.
Step 4: If the client and counselor feel a psychiatrist is helpful for treatment, the counselor can refer the client to get an in-house assessment from the psychiatrist. To work with the psychiatrist, you will need a mental health assessment. The mental health clinician can then refer the client to the psychiatrist. The counselors will walk with the client through the entire process and provide resources and support.
Step 5: If the Substance Use Disorder Counselor and the client feel they have made satisfactory progress and are ready to transition from services, the client will be awarded a certificate of completion and be discharged from services.
How do I pay for the services?
We accept most insurances, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Tri-Care, and Medicaid. We do NOT accept Indian Health Insurance. Insurance coverage and/or payments depend on each individual policy and are not guaranteed. All clients are asked to inquire with their health care insurance plan as your mental health and substance use disorder treatment benefits prior to receiving care. Insurance will be billed for the balance; however, clients are responsible for the amount owed regardless of what the insurance pays. RMHA is not in-network with any health care insurance plan providers. RMHA has a sliding fee option for clients that do not have any other payment source other than self. The agency offers payment plans for clients, if necessary. All clients who are eligible for Medicaid will be referred to our in-house Fee Agent to complete an application for Medicaid insurance.